Gather your party with Svelte

Alexander Castillo

Dag Erik Løvgren

Workshop (3 hours)Thursday: 09:00 - 12:15Dræggen 8

In this workshop we will take you through the basic concepts of Svelte. We’ll do this by making our own Character Creator! If you’re not familiar with the concept, a character creator is a tool for making a fictional character using a variety of features. Examples of features: Inputting name, rolling stats, selecting abilities, uploading portrait, selecting appearance, writing bio, etc. Here’s a simple example, and here’s a more advanced example.

The workshop will start off with an introduction to Svelte and the app we will be building. The workshop will then proceed with building the app through several step. And here’s where the learning comes in: each step is designed to showcase a certain feature of Svelte. And don’t worry if you fall behind on a step, we’ll have code ready for you to skip to the next step.

We’ll finish the workshop by taking a look at our work and comparing Svelte and its features against other popular web technologies, such as React.

Throughout the workshop Alexander and Dag Erik will be available for questions, help, or just a chat.

We hope you find this interesting, and can’t wait to see you!

- Alexander Castillo and Dag Erik Løvgren.

  • Primarily for: Developers.
  • Participant requirements: A computer with Git, Node 16+, and Npm/Yarn installed. Some experience with web development and TypeScript/JavaScript is recommended. Experience with Svelte is not required.
  • Link to workshop